Our approach

We’ll be plucky enough to be frank with you.

Work is one of the biggest impacts on well-being in adult life. If work is great, then it provides purpose, connection, money and even fun.  If it's bad, it can ruin your life. Plucky Frank is here to bring more good into the world of work so that more people can have the kind of workplace we all dream of.

What does that take? Courage (you gotta be plucky) and candidness (you gotta be frank). We believe that more good things can happen faster when you’re willing to be brave and honest, so that is front-and-centre in everything we do. Our coaching, systems, and training are all designed to help you, your business and its people become the pluckiest, frankest version of themselves.

Building on strengths. Based on science.

In everything we do, we use a strength-based approach, backed by science. Strengths-based means we’re here to look at what’s already working, not pick holes in what’s come before. You’ve built a functioning business: our job is to honour and preserve what’s serving you while adding and augmenting to make life better.

And everything we do has its foundation in science. Evidence is critical for helping us find the most effective methods, and so we are constantly looking at the latest data, research, and theory to inform our practice and stay on the cutting edge.

Welcome to Plucky Frank’s pizza shop…

You know those pizza shops that let you build your own pizza so that it’s exactly what you want? That’s kind of how our services work. For each of our services, we have buildable elements that you can mix ‘n’ match into your own bespoke package.

Flying Solo

A basic but delicious Margherita pizza, we give you the templates you need to implement the project, and you take Plucky Frank’s powers into your own hands.


Pick and choose from a menu of options - do some parts yourself, and get our help with the rest.  You’re in control of how much support you want so you can dial it up and down to suit your needs. 

The Full Franky

A pizza with the lot, we support you at every stage of the project, taking on all the admin and working as an extension of your team, delivering all the workshops, training, and coaching you need to build your internal skills and capacity.

The hardest part of making sustainable change in your business is ensuring that you have the internal knowledge and capacity to integrate new approaches. But everyone needs different levels of support at different times, so by offering a pick ‘n’ mix approach, you can take what you need and leave the rest.

Depending on the project and your needs and capacity, you can swing between either end of the spectrum as much as you like. For example, you might need The Full Franky for a recruitment process, but you’re happy to totally DIY your culture review. Or maybe you start off trying to implement our onboarding model on your own but find you need some workshops and data gathering to help the process along. You might sprinkle one of our coaching packages on top, or add on some ad-hoc conflict resolution as you need it. Whatever you need, in whatever combination you need it, Plucky Frank has got your back.

Why do it like this?

The DIY+ model is great for a bunch of reasons: 

  • Doing it yourself helps you build the internal skills and understanding you need to sustainably implement change. 

  • We can help you as much (or as little) as you need, and you can scale the additional support up or down as you go.

  • You can use our tools and templates in a way (and at a pace) that works best for your business.

  • It’s cost-effective, and it’s a great place to get a taste of what it’s like to work with Plucky Frank without committing to The Full Franky.

You can start out with one DIY project, or string a few together. We can advise you on where you might like to begin or which projects work well together, or you can just forge your own path.

Ready to get plucky?